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The Right Carpet for Pet Owners

There are certain choices that pet owners have to consider on a deeper level than families without pets. Choosing a carpet is one of those choices, since to stand up against the toll that a canine or feline friend can place upon it, there are certain attributes that a carpet will need. The two most pressing qualities are resistance to stains and the level of durability. So what’s the best choice if you’re a dog or cat owner?

The Advantages of Carpet

First of all, carpet tends to be the best type of flooring to make the home more comfortable for the animals, since they can have trouble walking on wood and tile floors due to their soft paws. Carpets are non-slip surfaces that are also comfortable for the pets to lie on (and they tend to spend most of their days doing such). There are other advantages that carpeting has over other types of flooring. Interestingly, carpet absorbs sound, which can make for a more peaceful atmosphere in the house. And while dust and pet dander can be easily kicked up on hard floors, carpet traps it inside its fibers until such a time it can be vacuumed up, which can be an advantage for those with allergies. There are a few different things you should carefully consider before finalizing your choice of carpet.

Choosing a Carpet

You should first think about is what kind of material you want your carpet to be made of. There are both natural and artificial types. Natural wool is known for being especially soft and pleasant, fire-resistant and bio-degradable once in the landfill. It can fetch a much higher price than the common synthetic types, however, and doesn’t pack the same level stain resistance. Of the synthetic fibers, nylon is the type you’ll find in homes the most. It owes most of its success to its reasonable price, high resistance to stains and its durability. These qualities make it the most appealing type for pet-owners. Polyester is slightly cheaper, but not as durable. There are certain carpets that are designed with pets in mind. They are especially resistant to stains and moisture, with measures to prevent anything from soaking through to the padding and creating a breeding ground for microbes and mold spores. Carpet tiles are a good choice if you want to be able to easily replace a small section at a time. Certain colors hide stains and hair better than others as well. Once you have the carpet placed and ready, make a habit of cleaning it, often and thoroughly. Making sure it stays dry will help stop mold growth. Ideally, choose a vacuum cleaner with enough power to properly service the type of carpet you decided on.


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