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Spring and Summer Landscaping

It seems like just yesterday that it was 30 degrees outside and snowing! We are now in the first full week of June, and it is that time of year to make sure your plants are ready for the Spring and the even hotter Summer months ahead. Here is a list of a few plants that will survive the Oklahoma summers with just a little care from you:

  • The Propeller Flower
  • Standing Cypress
  • Blue Curls
  • Fringed Bluestar
  • American Bellflower
  • Indian Paintbrush

Quite a few of these flowers or shrubs are natural to this part of the country, or are very drought and heat tolerant. As with any plant, it will be trial and error, as soils tend to differ, sunlight exposure, etc.

Just a fun fact, the Indian Paintbrush and Blue Curls are sometimes used in Butterfly gardens. Happy gardening to you all!


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